We are pleased to announce the launch of GAPMIL EUROPE!
We are grateful to UNESCO for convening the meeting in partnership with the European Commission and majors stakeholders from the various fields that enrich Media and Information Literacy (MIL).
The meeting was held at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, on 8-9th October 2015. We convened an interim board meeting following up on the first European GAPMIL forum of May 2014. GAPMIL Europe is one of two sub-chapters for our region (by UNESCO standards), the other one being North America. GAPMIL Europe will have an interim board for one year, in charge of coordinating actions and operations. It will be in charge of preparing the terms of reference and the elections of the first full governing board. It will also start to develop an action plan and take steps towards implementation.
The membership is open to individuals and institutions, as long as they join GAPMIL. We will be communicating among ourselves and the membership via a Facebook page: GAPMIL Europe.
Wishing us all many opportunities for networking, exchanging experiences and enriching the field of Media and Information Literacy
The interim committee